Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July 31, 2012 - Happy Two Month Old Twins!

Today Adam and Kylee are two months old!!!  It is remarkable how fast time flies when life serves up double miracles!

We could not visit Adam today because there was a three hour surgery being performed on another baby in the nursery.  Adam's nurse, Patty, was very kind to take a couple of pictures for us so we could see him in his fox outfit.  We suspect Adam and nurse Patty have a thing going on!  Adam now weighs 3 pounds, 8 ounces!  He is such a cutie!

Now for the big news!  Kylee is no longer in Nursery D.  When Emily and I arrived to see the twins, we discovered Kylee had graduated to Nursery E.  There, as nurse Becky put it, she is one step closer to going home.  Just to dazzle her new nurse, Kylee fed from a bottle for the first time today.  It normally takes several days until babies this little begin to actually intake nourishment with this method because as with breast feeding, they must not only have the skills of breathing, sucking, and swallowing, but they must be able to perform them in the correct order to successfully feed.  Kylee took all but a tiny amount of her feeding via the bottle.  She looked around the entire time and even burped for Mommy mid feeding!  She is such a little over-achiever!  Kylee now weighs 2 pounds, 15 ounces!  She is such a little sweetheart.

Thank you for your prayers, love, kindness, positive energy, and support.  Tonight we are also praying for the tiny baby who underwent surgery today and hope for the best of outcomes.  We are truly grateful for our tiny miracles and how miraculously they are doing.  Today was a very good day.

Adam Sleeps In His Fox Outfit

Mommy and Kylee Check Out Kylee's New Digs In Nursery E
Mommy They Said I Was A Big Girl
Sweet Baby Kylee
You Want Me To Try What!?
Okay But This Is A Lot To Remember!
Oh, Okay!  This Isn't So Bad!
Good Night Everybody!  That Was Exhausting!

Monday, July 30, 2012

July 30, 2012 - 60 Days Old!

Today Adam and Kylee are 60 days old!  Wow!  Because they were born on the last day of May, we will call them two months old tomorrow on the last day of July. 

Adam's nurse reported that he is getting very very good at getting his bubbler off and she has been spending most of her time with him putting it back in his nose.  He is still sprinting off his bubbler and doing well at one-hour intervals but then begins to tire.  Adam gained another ounce and is now 3 pounds, 7 ounces.

Kylee's nurse reported that there is nothing new to report.  Kylee is doing so well that when the nurse looked at her chart she realized Kylee had not had a destat since July 27th. Kylee also gained another ounce and is now 2 pounds, 13 ounces.

Thank you for the prayers, love, support, and thoughtfulness.  We are very grateful.  Today was a very good day. 

Adam Holding Grandma Flo's Hand
Kylee Wrapped Up Sleeping

Sunday, July 29, 2012

July 29, 2012

Today was a good day for Adam and Kylee and today was a good day for Mommy and Daddy.  They both got to hold both twins together!  Adam was very alert, looking all around, while Kylee slept through most of it unimpressed.

Adam is now up to 3 pounds, 6 ounces, while Kylee is holding at 2 pounds, 12 ounces.  When you see them individually, Adam looks much bigger than Kylee.  But when they are side-by-side, Adam is only a little bigger looking.  Adam is still trialing off his bubbler and doing very well.

What a spectacular sight to see this beautiful family all together!  It conjures up visions of all the days to come that they will all be together.

Thank you for the prayers, love, kindness and support day in and day out.  You are all almost as miraculous as our tiny miracles.  Thank you!  Today was a very good day! 

A Very Happy Family
Adam Off His Bubbler
Kylee Sleeping
Just One of Those Awww Things for Our Two Peas In a Pod!
Daddy with His Son and Daughter
Mommy with Her Son and Daughter
Adam and Kylee Together
Hey... Kylee... They Are Taking Pictures Again!
Little Ms Kylee with Adam in Daddy's Arms
Daddy and His Munchkins
One Happy Family
Adam and Kylee Together Again

Saturday, July 28, 2012

July 28, 2012

Today was a good day for Adam and Kylee.  They both had eye examinations this morning so their little eyes were real sensitive today but their exams went well.  Both slept peacefully while we visited.

Adam is now 3 pounds, 4 ounces, and Kylee is 2 pounds, 12 ounces.  Adam is continuing to trial off his bubbler and was off it when we visited.  We could not hope for either of them to be doing better.  Their progress is remarkable.  I can hardly believe that in a few days they will be two months old already!

Thank you so much for the continued prayers, love, support, thoughtfulness, and kindness from so many of you.  We are so blessed to have these precious miracles but are also so blessed to have all of you in our corner rooting for Adam and Kylee.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  Today was a very good day.

Adam Trialing Off His Bubbler
Kylee Sleeping After Her Eye Exam

Friday, July 27, 2012

July 27, 2012

Today was a good day for the twins.  Adam is still trialing off his bubbler several times a day.  Today when he did, Grandma Flo held him for the first time!  What a thrill!!!  He laid in my arms and looked at me and when he heard Emily's voice he turned to look at her.  He was looking all around while I held him.  Then Mommy took over and cuddled with him.

Kylee was asleep when we visited and is doing wonderful.  She peeked at us when we said hi to her but fell right back asleep.  Before we know it, Adam will be joining her in the big baby nursery!

Thank you for the prayers, love, kindness and support.  We are so grateful every day for it.  Today was a very good day.

Adam Stretching
Adam in Mommy's Arms
Mommy and Adam
Kylee Snuggled Up Asleep
Mommy and Kylee

Kylee Holding Daddy's Finger

Thursday, July 26, 2012

July 26, 2012 - Happy Eight Week Old Twins!

Today Adam and Kylee turned eight weeks old!!!  It was indeed another good day for them both.  Eight weeks old!  I cannot imagine life without them, yet just eight weeks ago they decided to arrive in this world.

Adam is now up to 3 pounds, 5 ounces and still progressing with being weened off his bubbler.

Kylee made the rounds tonight, first held by Mommy, then Daddy, and then by Grandma Flo.  Yes, I got to hold Kylee for the second time!  It was a most profound time for me while she cooed and slept in my arms.  It is one of those very rare times in life when you feel pure love.  Kylee is now 2 pounds, 8 ounces.

Thank you for the prayers, love, kindness, and support.  We are deeply grateful.  Today was a very good day.

Adam All Snuggled Up Waving

Kylee Snuggles with Mommy
Kylee Snuggles with Daddy (Notice the Tee Shirt!)
Kylee Snuggles with Grandma Flo

Kylee All Tucked Into her Pajamas and Ready For Sleep
Kylee Getting Ready To Drift Off To Sleep

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

July 25, 2012

Today was a good day for Adam and Kylee.

Adam and Kylee both did recreational breast feeding.  At this rate, before we know it, they will both have their feeding tubes removed.

Adam is now regularly trialing off his bubbler and doing wonderful with it.

Tonight when I visited they were both sleeping soundly after a very busy day.

Very special thanks to Lita for the gorgeous afghans she made for Adam and Kylee!

Thank you for all the prayers, loving thoughts, and kind words.  They are so greatly appreciated.  Today was a very good day.

Adam Snuggled  Up Sleeping
Kylee Snuggled Up Sleeping

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

July 24, 2012

Today was another good day for the twins. Adam is doing amazingly well when he is off his bubbler and I was there when he was weighed tonight. He is now 3 pounds, 3 ounces! He is a big boy! His Daddy is tall and Adam has relatively big hands and feet, and long arms an legs.  We think he is going to be a tall boy like his Daddy.

Kylee is also doing beautifully. She was asleep when I visited but, like her brother, opened her eyes and looked at me when I was talking to her. I waited until both of them drifted back to sleep before leaving. They are SO adorable!

Thank you for the wonderful prayers, love, kind words and thoughts. Adam and Kylee are clearly inspired by them. Today was a very good day.

Adam Stretches As He Wakes Up After His Bubbler Is Removed

Adam Peeks at Grandma Flo After He Gets His Bubbler Back On

Kylee Sleeping All Snuggled Up
Kylee Peeks As Grandma Flo Talks To Her
Hi Grandma Flo!

Monday, July 23, 2012

July 23, 2012

Today was a very good day for the twins.  Mommy held Kylee, and then Adam, skin-to-skin.  Kylee practiced breast feeding during her snuggle with Mommy and Adam practiced being off his bubbler.  They are both doing so well!

Adam is 2 pounds, 15 ounces.  He is teasing us into waiting for him to hit three pounds.  Kylee is now 2 pounds, 8 ounces, being the more petite of the two.  Adam is trialing off his bubbles regularly now and is doing remarkably well.  If he keeps this up he will graduate from A Nursery to D Nursery with Kylee very soon.

Thank you for all the prayers, love, kindness, and support.  We are deeply grateful.  Today was a very good day.

Adam Asleep with His Bubbler
Kylee Snuggled Up Asleep
Kylee and Mommy

NOTE: The mark on Kylee's forehead is not a scratch but an indentation from sleeping
on her feeding tube.  It was gone within an hour.
Mommy and Her Sweet Pea Kylee
Mommy Holds Kylee
Kylee All Dressed Up and Ready for Another Nap
Adam and Froggy Taking A Nap
Adam Waking From His Nap After His Bubbler Is Removed
Adam Snuggles With Mommy
Adam and Mommy