Monday, September 10, 2012

September 10, 2012 - Welcome Home Adam!

Today, after 102 days in the Neonatal ICU (NICU), Adam came home and is reunited with Kylee.  It has been a long journey with many bumps along the way, but every second was worth it to see these two beautiful tiny miracles home together.  A new chapter starts now for Mommy, Daddy, Adam and Kylee as they begin their lives together.  No more hospital!

Mommy, Daddy, and Kylee went to pick Adam up from the hospital bright and early this morning.  Adam and Kylee both wore their "Two Peas in a Pod," shirts today.

Very special thanks go to the Sutter Memorial High Risk Pregnancy staff and the NICU staff.  Without your expertise, care, and love, Adam and Kylee would not be home tonight with their Mommy and Daddy.  Each of you do amazing, miraculous work every day and it is greatly appreciated.

To all those parents-to-be and grandparents-to-be who's tiny miracles have decided to come into this world too soon, believe in prayers, believe in love, and believe in miracles.  You are stronger than you ever dreamed you could be and you will get through this.  Keep praying, keep hoping, and keep loving.  You and your miracles will be in our prayers.

Emily said it best, "After 102 days in the NICU, Adam is finally home. It's been the biggest test of our strength we've ever had to go through. They are our miracles and we can't believe how lucky we are. Thank you everyone for the love and support you've given us all."

Thank you to everyone who has been on this journey with Adam and Kylee.  Thank you for the prayers, the love, the kindness, the support, and the positive energy.  Words cannot convey how grateful we are.  Today was a good day!

Kylee Gets Ready to Pick Adam Up from the Hospital

Adam and Kylee Together at Home

Adam at Home in Mommy's Arms

Thursday, September 6, 2012

September 6, 2012 - Happy Fourteen Week Old Twins

We are happy to report that the twins are doing very well.

Adam is getting SO big!  Today Adam went over the 6 pound mark and is now 6 pounds, 1 ounce!  He has the most adorable chubby little cheeks!  If he continues to improve as he has been, he will be home in less than a week.  He is currently on day ninety-eight in the Neonatal ICU (NICU).  Adam is getting so big he has outgrown his preemie clothes and is now wearing newborn-size clothes.    They are a little big on him, but not much!  He is the sweetest little boy and has a smile that can light up a room!

Kylee is doing very well.  She went for her second pediatric checkup today and she aced it.  She is now 5 pounds, 6 ounces.  Everyone who sees her thinks she is a newborn because she is so tiny and are amazed to find out she is over three months old.  Kylee went on her first date with Mommy this week when they went to visit Daddy for lunch at work.  Everyone went crazy over Kylee!  She is the most adorable little sweet pea!

Thank you for all of the continued prayers, love, positive energy, and kindness.  We truly appreciate it.  Today was a good day.

Mommy and Adam
Adam and His Chubby Cheeks
Mommy and Adam Plot His Escape from the NICU
BIG Adam Yawns!
Kylee Swinging in Her Swing
Pretty Princess Kylee
Kylee Sleeping with Her Monkey and Birdie