Adam and Kylee are still trying to rebound from their infections. They were doing a little better this evening. Mommy and Daddy did diaper duty, Mommy changing Adam's diaper and Daddy changing Kylee's.
Adam is now 1 lb 12 oz, and up to 5 ml of milk an hour. He is off the ventilator and back to bubbles. Kylee is up to 1 lb 7 oz and also taking 5 ml of milk an hour. She is still on the ventilator. Both had their eyes open and were looking around this evening.
Thank you for the prayers, love, and positive energy being sent to Adam and Kylee, Eric and Emily, and their families. Today is day 20 and they have both made it this far. They are both our tiny little miracle fighters. Today both made it through without further complication, so today was a good day.
Daddy's Hand On Kylee |
Adam Looks at Mommy While He Holds Her Finger |
Kylee Sleeping |
God bless their little hearts. Love & prayers will give them strength. My friend had a 1lb 7 Oz boy Noah had it rough but year old now. God precious miracles. margie