Sunday, August 19, 2012

August 19, 2012

Today was a good day for the twins.

Adam had no Bradys or drops today.  Our little man had his bath today and really enjoyed it.  It wore him out so he was sleeping this afternoon when I visited.  He is such an adorable little boy.  He is doing very well with his bottle feedings, getting a bottle every third feeding.  We are all anxious about his eye surgery tomorrow but we are hoping it is not too traumatic for him and is successful.

Kylee had her first bath at home this morning.  She thoroughly enjoyed it too.  Mommy and Daddy are not getting much sleep at the moment because Ms Kylee talks all the time, all night long.  She is such a cutie pie!  We have found that she really likes listening to Jazz.  It makes her smile.

Thank you for all of the prayers, love, kind words, well wishes, and support.  We are very grateful and feel very blessed.  Today was a good day for the twins.

Adam Sleeping Comfortably
Daddy's Little Princess


  1. You two Babies are the greatest! Hope you both are home together soon. Adam, Kylee is having fun at home, soon you will be with her.
    Your friend, Selina

  2. Happy to hear they both had a good day! Prayers and positive thoughts for Adam and his procedure today. :-)
