Wednesday, August 22, 2012

August 22, 2012

Today was a good day for the twins.

Adam is recovering well from his eye surgery.  He is also doing very well with his bottle feedings.  He is such a cutie pie!  His breathing is doing very well.  He was about to eat when I saw him this afternoon.  He doesn't have bottle feeding down the way Kylee does, but he is getting it and doing very well.

Kylee is running the household at this point.  She is so adorable!  She can suck down a bottle quick!  She continues to enjoy listening to Jazz and Classical music.

Life is even more hectic with one baby home and one still in the hospital.  It is a constant test of logistics!

Thank you for your prayers, love, kindness, and support.  We deeply appreciate it.  Today was a good day for the twins.

Big Boy Adam in His Froggy Outfit
Adam Works on a Burp for His Nurse
Beautiful Adam in Mommy's Arms
Future Captain America
Kylee Waves Hi
Kylee Does Her Stretches


  1. Hi Kylee keep stretching little Angel. Way to go big boy big burb & lots more bottle. God bless

  2. So cute! Yey a good day! :-) Sending positive thoughts, energies and Love!
