Friday, August 10, 2012

August 10, 2012

Today was a good day for the twins but not so good a day for Mommy.  Mommy got very sick last night and went to the doctor today.  She has an infection and is on antibiotics.  She is home resting as comfortably as possible right now with Daddy and missing her babies.

When I got to the nursery today, Adam was just about to have his one bottle a day.  He was pretty grumpy and hungry.  It is one of the few times I have heard Adam complain.  He drank about a third of his bottle before he decided he'd had enough so he was given the rest via his feeding tube.  When he went back in his crib he was perfectly happy looking around while practicing on his pacifier.  Coordinating sucking, breathing, AND swallowing is tricky business and exhausting!  Once he figures it out, there will be no stopping him.  Adam is now 4 pounds, 1.3 ounces of pure love.

After Adam finished it was Kylee's turn to eat.  Kylee complained the entire time Adam was eating.  They stagger feedings one after the other.  After a diaper change she went to town on her bottle and finished it.  She is now being fed by bottle every other feeding.  After she went back to her crib she was perfectly happy looking around while practicing on her pacifier just like her brother.  Kylee is now 3 pounds 8 ounces of pure love.

Thank you for your prayers, love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and support.  It is appreciated more than words can convey.  Today was a good day for babies, not so good day for Mommy.

Adam's Hungry Face
Beautiful Baby Adam After Lunch
Sweetie Kylee Models Her Sweetie Outfit as She Yawns and Wakes Up 
Kylee Holds Her Pacifier After Lunch


  1. Hey Little ones. I wonder when you will be coming home? I hope your Mommy feels better soon. It is sad that your family has had to go through so much. But soon, it will all be worth it because you will all be together.
    Keep getting stronger my little young friends.
    Your friend, Selina

  2. Happy to hear they had a good day.Good progress Adam and Kylee! I hope Mommy gets better soon. The pictures are adorable. :-) Sending prayers, hope, positive thoughts, energy and Love.
