Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June 13, 2012

Adam and Kylee are doing wonderful.  They were resting comfortably when I visited today.  They each opened their eyes for just a second while I was talking to them.  They also rested their hands on my finger.  Caution: This is the part where Grandma interjects!!!  They are SO cute and beyond adorable!  

They are both getting 3 mil of Mommy's milk an hour.  Mom is doing a great job keeping up with them.  Mothers who produce extra milk can freeze and donated it to other babies who, for whatever reason, cannot get milk from their Mother.  

The only hiccup so far is that when the twins are sleeping they sometimes forget to breathe.  This is normal for preemie babies but rather alarming when their vital signs start dropping and alarms start going off.  It is especially disconcerting when they both choose to do it at the same time!  This is routine business for the NICU nurses.  First, they check leads to ensure it is not a disconnected wire, which often it is.  Then, they stimulate the baby by touch to arouse them.  If that doesn't bring their numbers back up, they increase the flow of oxygen through the bubbler.  Adam does this more often than Kylee.  This is fairly normal as girls statistically have an easier time as preemies than boys.

Adam and Kylee get better service than the finest five-star hotel.  They are waited on hand and foot 24/7 by only the most highly skilled professionals!  Thank you to each and every member of the NICU team for the world-class care you provide the approximately 60 babies in the Sutter Memorial NICU nurseries.

Thank you for all the prayers, love, and well wishes so many are constantly sending our way.  We are all so overwhelmed by the support and love for our tiny miracle babies.  Today was a good day for our twins!

Adam In Slumberland
Kylee Bundled Up In Slumberland
Kylee Being Attended To By Her Nurse

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