Today is Adam and Kylee's two-week old Birthday! It is amazing to think that two weeks ago Emily was in the hospital trying not to give birth. Adam and Kylee had other ideas! Now, here we are by the grace of God two weeks later.
Last night when Emily and Eric came back from the hospital they showed us a picture of Eric holding Adam for the first time. It was like when Emily held Kylee for the first time - he held him up while the nurse did something and then laid him right back down, but it was technically holding him. What a thrill!
Today was a rough one for our little Kylee. She is having some difficulty digesting and processing her milk and had a pretty rough morning. She was taken off feeding completely for a couple of hours and is now starting back slowly at 1 ml per hour. Kylee also continues to destat (forgetting to breathe) but is not doing it as often as her brother. The pink roll in front of Kylee is a standard size wash cloth rolled up to give you an indication of her size. She was resting comfortably tonight, our precious little two-week old Birthday girl.
Adam is up to 4 ml of milk per hour and doing well with it so far. He continues to keep the nurses on their toes destating (forgetting to breathe). He has quite a reputation for doing so. He usually brings himself out of it but once in a while the nurses have to talk to him and touch him to stimulate him. He is on 50% oxygen at the moment to keep him from laboring to breathe. Room-level oxygen is 21%. Adam was also resting comfortably this evening. At one point while I was talking to him, he took his little left hand and pointed his index finger toward me. I know! I know it was purely coincidence but it was adorable! Then, I saw something dark under the lip of his cap and bent down to see and there he was, his little eyes open, trying to see around. He is very curious!
We cannot say thank you enough for the prayers, love, light, and positive energy being sent to our tiny miracle babies. It is deeply moving to feel so much love and support. Thank you! Today was a difficult day but tonight both are resting comfortably so we are going to call it a good day.
Two-Week Old Birthday Boy Adam Resting Peacefully |
Two-Week Old Birthday Girl Kylee Resting After A Rough Day |
OK. Can't exactly call anything a setback, Flo, so that's a good thing. I know they're gonna be great. And one day, years from now, this will all be just a baaaaaaad dream. Much love......